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Craig Wright, technical writer

Unlike many technical writers, I didn’t start working on documentation as a second career. I’m not a former developer or engineer who decided they preferred writing. I’ve always been a technical writer. I studied technical communication at university and went straight into a technical writing role shortly after.

Almost 30 years later, I’m still creating helpful, user-centred content. Knowledge bases, web pages, user guides, all that kind of stuff. I’ve also dabbled with copywriting, UX writing, and have trained as a content designer too.

So if you decide to hire me, you can be confident that I’ve studied the craft, practiced the craft, and can help improve your customer support content.

Headshot of Craig.

What kind of technical writer am I?

Am I a “thought-leader” or obsessed with the freelance hustle? Am I a career-minded, ambitious sort constantly seeking the next big project? HELL NO.

I’m just a dedicated, empathetic, and quite introvert bloke who likes to create helpful content. I like to work with clients long-term and bring more to the project than just “someone to write the customer support articles”.

If you hire me you can expect me to:

  • Research your customers

  • Use your products like your customers would

  • Create content written from your customers’ perspectives

  • Organize your content so that information is easy to find and presented in a logical order

  • Work independently (I will need contact with your experts though)

  • Treat your team with kindness and respect

  • Suggest UX improvements

  • Report bugs

  • Act as a customer advocate as well as a technical writer.

This requires writing skills, understanding of best practices, hands-on experience, and also empathy for your customers and colleagues. That’s what I bring to your project.

What sorts of project have I worked on?

You’re probably wondering if I’m going to be able to cope with the technology side of your product. Am I going to be able to learn quickly enough? Will the learning curve be too much? Well, I’ve jumped in the deep end on other projects and managed ok, so there’s a good chance everything will work out fine.

Below is a list of some of the projects I’ve worked on. Some are industrial, some are more general consumer. But the one thing they all have in common is that on Day 1, I knew nothing about any of them!

  • Software documentation

    • SCADA software (think IoT) used in the water, oil and gas industries

    • Auction software used in the scrap car industry

    • Financial software

    • Pipeline management software used in the animation industry

    • Data centre cooling monitoring and control software

    • AI photography software

    • XML CCMS technical writing platform

  • Hardware manuals

    • Assembly and installation manuals for free-air cooling

    • User guides for controller units used in data center cooling

    • TENS healthcare devices (aimed primarily at women)

    • Product manuals for time sync devices used in the TV and film industry

    • Installation guides for EV chargers

  • Other projects

    • Online help content editing for out-of-hours health service

    • User testing for SaaS software

    • UI text for SaaS software

    • Editing marketing content

What tools do I use?

Some technical writing tools are quite complicated and need an understanding of certain concepts that you’re unlikely to find with people who are used to simple editors. That shouldn’t be a problem here though, as I’ve used some of the industry-leading tools, including:

  • MadCap Flare

  • Paligo (structured content XML CCMS)

  • FrameMaker

  • Zendesk

  • Freshdesk

  • Intercom

  • SnagIt

With a strong understanding of content reuse and structured content, I can efficiently update and maintain documentation as products evolve, saving you time and resources.

Training and qualifications

I’m a trained technical communicator and content designer and have taken some copywriting and SEO training too.

  • BA Hons Technical Communication and Information Design

  • Content Design (foundation course) - Content Design London

  • Content design pathway - Cake Consultancy, UK

  • Success Works SEO copywriter certified

  • MadCap Flare - advanced user (version 11)

  • Snag-It certified user

I’m also well-versed in Paligo CCMS (XML structured content). I have worked for Paligo on many contracts over the past 7 years. In fact, parts of the Paligo certification course is based on content I created.

What do I look for in a client?

I like to work with clients long-term. So if you potentially have many projects in the pipeline, we could be made for each other. I’m not a “one-and-done'“ type of freelancer. That just doesn’t work for technical writing projects, where things constantly need to be added, deleted, or updated.

Other things that make a client a winner:

  • Value their customer support content

  • Understand that I will need access to subject matter experts to answer my questions

  • Review content before it gets published

  • Give me access to customer tickets and other sources of customer feedback

  • Clear, understandable briefs

  • Accept that I’m freelance and cannot work as a “hidden employee”

  • Kind, friendly and helpful people. Let’s get the job done without being too formal and corporate.

  • Simple invoicing and payments on time.

Are we a match made in heaven? Let’s do business.

Get in touch

Let’s talk about your project

I’m here to help and offer my expertise as a technical writer. Get in touch and let me know what you need.