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How to Install the DITA HTML5 Plug-In (oXygen XML Editor)

Headshot of Craig.

Craig Wright

Hands up. Guilty as charged. Sometimes I don't write with you, the reader in mind. You see, I have a memory like a sieve, so this blog can also act as a storage space for the things I need to remember, but probably won't. Such as the following instructions on how to install the DITA HTML5 plug-in. If you find this information useful, then all the better.

Here's how I managed to install the DITA HTML5 plug-in (using oXygen XML editor 15.2):

  1. Check the version of DITA-OT that is supplied with oXygen. To do this, open the relnotes.html file that is in the DITA-OT directory (supplied as part of the oXygen application). You will find it at Program Files or Program Files(x86)/Oxygen XML Editor 15/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT.

  1. Location of relnotes in oXygen XML Editor 15 You need the DITA-OT version to be version 1.7. or later. If you need to upgrade to a newer version, see

  2. Download the DITA4Publishers plugin. You can get this from . You need to download the file.

  3. Unzip to a temporary local folder.

  4. Browse the contents of the unzipped dita4publishers file and locate the file.

  5. Unzip the file. It contains 36 folders and three files (license.txt, NOTICES.txt, toolkit-xslt-catalog.xml). You need the folders, but not the other three files.

  6. Copy all 36 folders into the plugins directory of the DITA-OT (C:\Program Files or Program Files(x86)\Oxygen XML Editor 15\frameworks\dita\DITA-OT\plugins).The DITA 4 Publishers project includes an HTML5 plugin, but it is out-of-date.

  7. Browse to the plugins folder and delete the net.sourceforge.dita4publishers.html5 folder.

  8. Get the latest HTML5 plug-in files.To do this, you can:

  9. Register with Github

  10. Clone the dita4publishers.html5 project

  11. Copy dita4publishers.html5 (from the location you specified for the clone) to Program Files or Program Files(x86)/Oxygen XML Editor 15/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/plugins.

  12. or:

  13. Visit and select Download ZIP.

  14. Unzip the file.

  15. In the extracted files, locate the folder net.sourceforge.dita4publishers.html5-master.

  16. Copy the net.sourceforge.dita4publishers.html5-master folder.

  17. Paste the net.sourceforge.dita4publishers.html5-master folder to Program Files or Program Files(x86)/Oxygen XML Editor 15/frameworks/dita/DITA-OT/plugins.

  18. On your desktop, right-click on the oXygen XML Editor icon and choose to Run as Administrator. This is important as I ran into problems when I just launched oXygen from the Start tool. Even though my user account has administrator permissions, oXygen kept generating errors, prompting me to log on as an administrator-level user.

  19. Integrate the plugins so that the DITA-OT knows that they are available. To do this, just use the Run DITA-OT Integrator that is built-in to oXygen (select Run DITA-OT Integrator in the Transformation Scenarios dialogue box and then select the Runicon, which is the red triangle).

  1. Run DITA-OT

  2. Right-click on the DITA XHTML transformation and select Duplicate. The Edit DITA Scenario window is displayed.

  1. Add Parameter

  2. Set the Name to: transtype

  3. Set the Value to d4p-html5

  4. Select OK to close the Add Parameter window and then the Edit DITA Scenario window. You should see the new HTML5 transformation scenario under the Project branch. This is the transformation that you will use when you produce HTML5 output.

Posted under DITA

Last modified: 29 April 2024

Headshot of Craig.

Craig Wright is an experienced technical writer based in Chesterfield, UK.  He hates writing about himself in the third person, so I shall stop now.

Always interested in new content writing opportunities. Remote working preferred.

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