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Technical writing consultant

Need an extra pair of hands or an expert eye on your project?

Technical author … but with other skills

As a technical writer, I mostly work on customer support documentation, such as knowledge base content and user guides. But I have trained in content design and copywriting too, so can turn my hand to other projects.

I’d be interested in freelance, remote work projects relating to:

  • Technical writing, including contract work

  • UX writing

  • Content design

  • Copywriting*

*I’m more a “get the message across clearly” writer than a “clever copy” writer.

Contract technical author

Can you hire me as a contract technical author? Yes. I’ve worked on contracts before, ranging from quick 3 month projects to 6 and 12 month projects that roll on. In fact, I prefer to work long-term with my clients. I think customer support content needs that sort of commitment, as there’s always product updates to handle as well as customer needs.

What sort of contracts do I look for?

  • Front-end customer support content, not developer documentation

  • Outside IR35

  • Part-time

  • Remote working.

Sounds like your project? Get in touch.

You can find out more about my experience on the About page.

UX writing

Like many technical writers, I’ve been doing UX writing for many years without actually being hired as a UX writer. In software teams, technical writers are often expected to fix the UI text and descriptions and suggest changes to the workflows. It’s just something we do.

You can find examples Daily UX writing challenge blog posts. (My clients are not so keen on letting me show before and after examples from real-life projects.)

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Do I know Figma? Yes, to a degree. I can create mock-ups, navigate between layers and make simple prototypes. I’m not an expert, but I’m not going to be completely overwhelmed by it either. Show me what you need and I’ll do it.

If you have a UX writing project and need clear content, get in touch.

Content design

Do you have a content design project about technology? I could be a good fit.

There’s a fine line between what I do and what content designers do. We all produce user-centered content. But in tech writing we’re more focused on instructions and iterative improvements whereas content designers appear to have the luxury of user testing before release!

If you’re open to hiring someone with a content background, but not specifically content design, get in touch. You’ll be pleasantly surprised that I’m already familiar with the important concepts - they are similar in technical writing.

Also, I’ve been trained in content design too:

  • Content Design London foundation course (have read the CDL Content Design book too)

  • Cake Consultancy content user centered design course (in progress)

  • Degree in technical communication and information design. The information design part was pretty much identical to content design, it’s just that content design didn’t exist back then!

Copywriter for tech products

Every so often, I get queries like this:

We’ve got a great website, but our content is too technical for our customers. We’re not getting our message across effectively. Can you help?

Yes, of course I can. I’ve trained as a copywriter in the past and have worked on marketing projects. And of course, I have a knack of explaining technology in simple terms.

If you hire me to work on your website, this is what you can expect:

  • A logical flow

    I’ll make sure your content feeds readers the right amount of information, at the right time, in the right order.

  • Simpler language

    I’ll respect the time of your readers and create copy that is easy to read, scan, and process.

  • The right amount of information

    I’ll make sure your content has enough information to convince, but not overwhelm.

  • Benefits not features

    Your customers want to know “What’s in it for me"?” I’ll make sure your content answers the question.

  • Soft sell

    No hard sell. No over-familiar messaging. Just the facts and a gentle nudge in the right direction.

Get in touch

Let’s talk about your project

I’m here to help and offer my expertise as a technical writer. Get in touch and let me know what you need.